Monday, May 25, 2020

Homeostatic Control of Blood Glucose Levels Essay

Homeostatic Control of Blood Glucose Levels Glucose is an essential substance in the body as it is the primary source of energy for all biological functions and is indeed the only form of energy which can be used by the brain and central nervous system. The ideal level of blood glucose is 80 - 90mg of glucose per 100mls of blood. However this level is not static - it oscillates due to changes in the body which are brought about by actions such as eating a meal, exercising, or not eating for long periods. If blood glucose levels drop or rise dramatically there may be serious consequences such as hypo- or hyperglycaemia which can both cause death. Thus it is necessary for blood glucose levels to be†¦show more content†¦The level of blood glucose is constantly monitored by the beta cells. As the effects of insulin bring down the blood glucose level the cells secrete less and less of the hormone in accordance with the falling level of blood glucose - this continues until levels return to normal. The corresponding effect of this antagonistic mechanism occurs when blood glucose level have fallen too low - this is detected in the Islets of Langerhans by the alpha cells which are stimulated to produce glucagon. This hormone acts in two main ways to raise blood glucose concentration back to normal levels. Firstly, it stimulates the process of glycogenolysis whereby the liver and muscle cells convert glycogen into glucose to be discharged into the blood. In addition, it increases gluconeogenesis so that more glucose is synthesised from protein and fat sources. However if glucagon is allowed to encourage the production of glucose unchecked, the liver will begin to produce ketones which dangerously disrupt the acid/base balance in the body. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Issue Of Global Warming - 1427 Words

Most Americans would agree that global warming is a real threat to our planet, and that implementing alternative energy sources is a major step to combating the effects of it. Yet, only 4% of American homeowners have residential solar panels installed, and only 40% have even considered the option (6). It is a widespread myth that solar panels are only for the rich, and should be considered a luxury. While It turns out that solar panels have become increasingly affordable for the middle class over the past decade, with the White House announcing several policies to ensure so (2). And if solar panels are not the right choice for you due to living space or economic position, there are other alternative energy systems out there worth†¦show more content†¦There were also some specific decisions that I made regarding the aesthetic design of the brochure. When it came to color I chose bright eye-catching colors that will make my brochure stand out from others on a large display. Th ere is a lot of green on the brochure for the obvious symbolism of being eco-friendly. Another touch that I added was putting in bold and increased font size the potential money to be saved by any of the given systems, to grab the attention of viewers. In the research I did prior to creating my product I read a lot about the current state of the alternative energy switch in America, and why it seems to of stalled. I think every homeowner should know of this information and understand why it is important that we keep pushing forward these new energy systems, and that’s why it’s the first thing I discuss on my brochure. From the very beginning when global warming was first becoming a national discussion, goals were set for renewable energy sources. Such as Al Gore’s 100% renewable electricity by 2020 target (5). As America gets closer to these deadlines and realizes that we are nowhere close to reaching our goals it is quite disheartening, and this has caused a sl ump in the energy switch. The blame has to be partially put on those who created the unrealistic goals in the first place. â€Å"It s taken between 50 and 70 years for a resource to reach a large penetration. When you look at the money,Show MoreRelatedThe Issue Of Global Warming1338 Words   |  6 Pagesyears, the controversial issue of global warming has been primarily brought to the attention of the public. Global warming is generally assumed to be the main cause of rising average global temperature. The climate on the Earth is changing and there is no big surprise. It is believed that global warming is caused by many natural and manmade activities, which is affecting the planet by the seconds, minutes, hours, days, and years. Many may not even care about this serious issue, but others harm for theRead MoreThe Issue Of Global Warming1652 Words   |  7 PagesWhen the issue of global warming comes up in conversations, people usually groan and avoid conversation, and many roll up their sleeves and prepare for a heated debate. Some people feel culpable and concerned; others simply do not care. There exist many contrasting viewpoints which yield very distinctive stances on the subject. While many people may claim disregard on the issue, the media has broadcasted substantial data showing gradual rise in global temperature and the topic has been discussedRead MoreThe Issue Of Global Warming1605 Words   |  7 PagesThe issue of global warming is controversial and there are people claiming that global warming is only a fiction instead of a fact. However, research from scientists found that at the beginning of 2000, unprecedented warming was recorded and the Arctic ice has melted to the lowest levels in the recorded history. Moreover, the sea level has also risen by eight inches since 1870 (â€Å"The Scientific Truth about Climate Change†). Although natural forcing mechanisms alone cannot explain the formation ofRead MoreThe Issue Of Global Warming1504 Wo rds   |  7 Pagesaffecting you all. It’s about global warming. This issue will more than likely take away from everyone in the end, or at least humanity’s efforts to be a greater civilization, if you don’t take care of it. My question is, why aren’t you? For billions of years your Earth withstood countless hardships and has since lived among the cosmos, but now it’s going to be intoxicated and fall ill in a manner of hundreds of years, because of you? Global warming is the issue of the earth warming up due to man’s technologicalRead MoreGlobal Warming and its Issues1198 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Introduction Global warming is perhaps one of the most urgent and complicated global issues we face today. While there are those who dispute the very nature as well as causes of the global warming phenomenon, available data clearly indicates that the planet is becoming warmer. This text revisits the issue of global warming. In so doing, compelling evidence will be presented in an attempt to prove that the global warming phenomenon is indeed real. Global Warming: An Overview In simple terms, global warmingRead MoreGlobal Warming Issues1504 Words   |  7 PagesIn late 2012, the Wall Street Journal published an article written and supported by sixteen scientists called, â€Å"No Need to Panic About Global Warming.† The article’s main argument claimed mainstream climate experts were wrong about the effect greater carbon dioxide levels had on the environment as well as the threat global warming posed to society. The contrarian scientists attempted to refute mainstream scientific findings that carbon dioxide levels were rising rapidly throughout the past decadeRead MoreThe Issue Of Global Warming1185 Words   |  5 PagesProblems and History The issue of global warming should be on the list of our top priorities. Studies show that the average of global temperatures have risen since the Industrial Revolution began. Since the Industrial Revolution, human emissions has quadrupled the frequency of certain heat extremes and many scientists have warned that a failure to bring greenhouse gases under control could eventually lead to a 62-fold increase in extreme heat blasts (Gillis Justin A17). Most of the increase is dueRead MoreGlobal Warming Is A Global Issue Essay1115 Words   |  5 PagesIn the recent years, global warming has taken an increasingly prominent role in the international society. Today, the great debate over the existence of global warming is over; almost everyone believes that global warming is a real issue that must be addressed. The world is now at the step in which it must take action to combat climate change. In the push to do this, many countries report their carbon emissions. However, in reporting our carbon emissions, many people are jumping to conclusions byRead MoreThe Issue Of Global Warming941 Words   |  4 Pagesthat of global warming. So far, I seem to want to change my thesis everyday; but this is how it stands for the moment. Americans need to work together as well as with other nations to take immediate action to reduce our environmental footprint in efforts to reverse or cease global warming. I feel this thesis clearly states my position, as well as the point of the paper. I still want to play around with the wording, especially at the end of it. I feel that global warming is a serious issue that shouldRead MoreThe Issue Of Global Warming978 Words   |  4 Pagesbecause of global warming, yet there are some who ignore it and there are some who even deny the plausibility of global warming. An article written in 2016 from proves the Earths temperature has been increasing at an average of 1.35 degree’s Celsius per year. This slight change is dra stic for northern territories. Countries such as Greenland have reached temperatures they haven’t reached for thousands of years since humans first began walking the planet. Global warming is caused from

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Ancient Works of Art in Fred Kleiner’s Gardner’s Art...

In Fred Kleiner’s Gardner’s Art Through the Ages, he has listed some of the oldest and most ancient works of art discovered from different archeological site, which were later transferred to various museums. As we delve deeper into the chapters, we discover how art forms evolve across different time lines – from the art of the Paleolithic period to the arts of the near-East and Egypt. The works of art across the different timelines also indicate the kind of culture people have, because such culture can be seen in how they present their arts. Therefore, there is a clear development that is happening back then, because of the evolution of the arts and the presentation of the artists based on their culture. Taking everything into consideration, this project aims to discuss how arts develop throughout the different timelines – the Paleolithic period and the Ancient near-East and Egypt – and how such art forms present the cultural context of the artists. Paleolithic cave painting Historically, it is always argued that the cave paintings during the Paleolithic period are one of the oldest recorded pieces of art. These include the hand imprints and spotted horses cave painting in Peche-Merle, France, the Halls of Bulls wall painting in Lascaux, France and the animal paintings in the Chauvet cave. While they are located in different locations, there are some common traits in these paintings. First, the cave paintings estimated to be between 13,000 and 15,000 years old, which means

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Free sample Assignment on Social Media strategies for Digital Marketin

Question: Discuss about the Social Media Strategies for Digital marketing. Answer: Introduction The present assignment will cover all the critical areas towards developing proper social media strategies, which Pizza Hut uses in the marketing plan. The use of the social media tool is not limited only to a communication its achievement is diversified towards the development of different kinds of E-commerce strategies. The trend of shopping, as well as the trend of marketing, has changed as compared with the traditional mode of shopping and commercialization (Chaffey, Ellis-Chadwick, Chaffey, 2012). The assignment will focus on what are the different kinds of contribution, which the social media contributed to the business operations of Pizza Hut. Aims and objectives of the Report Social media is a very important element for online commerce. The purpose of the study is to evaluate all the proceedings of the social media tool. It allows a different organization to develop different business and to run a reputed business online. There are certain applications of the social media tool as it used as one of the most important as well as a significant source of branding (Chan, 2012). Pizza Hut is one of the most popular fast food organizations, which operates its business in the major cities of the globe. It is an American restaurant chain, and international franchise operates its business mainly in trading Pizza ("Pizza Hut - Pizza Coupons, Pizza Deals, Pizza Delivery, Order Pizza Online, Catering", 2016). There are certain ways, which the organization was benefited with the application of a proper social media strategy. The majority of the organization irrespective of its nature and objectives adopts the notion of the social media tool as the ideal platform to org anize different kind of advertisement as well as promotional activities (Kotler, 2012). The concept of promotion and publicity are the two key components, which are the crucial part of the marketing mix. Background of the Company Pizza Hut is a much-diversified concept, which is one of the most common as well as popular pizza restaurants in USA. It operates its business in different countries across the globe. Different companies are doing the same business in the same industry. Some of the key competitors are Dominos, KFC and Mc Donalds. The involvement of all the brands in the social media is very much remarkable. Pizza Hut develops different kinds of marketing plan based on Social media applications. All the organizations irrespective of nature and the purpose of the business develop different kinds of social media platforms to execute different plans and proceedings towards the involvement of the business activities (Chaffey, Ellis-Chadwick, Chaffey, 2012). The market structure of Pizza hut falls under the notion of the oligopoly market structure. Pizza Huts social footprint has developed at a rapid pace in a short span of time and based on the latest statistical report its Facebook page visitors from 500k to one million in a span of a year. Pizza Huts top priority is to develop pizza fans on board with its social networks (Pride, 2012). Pizza Hut has always been a casual dining pizza chain, which acts as a catalyst to inspire social conversation around it. The nature of the oligopoly market structure is different as compared with the other marketing structure. The decision making of one firm hugely affects the decision making a power of another company (Kotler Armstrong, 2012). Pricing strategies are one of the major things that need to analyze in a proper manner to develop an appropriate marketing plan. The following part of the study will highlight what are the different kinds strategies which pizza hut applied to produce a good competitive advantage in the overall market structure (Kurtz Boone, 2012). Social Media Metrics As mentioned at the beginning of the study, there are certain applications of different kinds of social media tool in the business operations. It is very much familiar that various social media tool contributes a significant aspect towards developing a proper communication strategy in the organization. The idea towards developing an appropriate two-way communication system will be beneficial for both the team as well as for the customers (Mandiberg, 2012). It guides the customers to stay updated about the latest products and services, which are offered by the team, and on the other hand, various companies are benefited to conclude what are the different kinds of customers trends in the overall organizational procedures (Miller, 2012). In order to determine the social media matrix there are certain key points which needs to be analyzed. A person from different age group follows different application of social media tools for different purpose. Therefore, it is one of the major sources of communication. Analysis and application of social Media Metrics Strategies are developed to meet the organizational objectives in a most smooth manner. There are certain organizational goals as well as corporate activities which majority of the firms needs to achieve in the overall marketing operations. The overall social media strategy for pizza hut is being tried to build an online community for pizza lovers across the world with the application of different kinds of social media tools, which includes Facebook, Twitter and much more. However, there are certain things left to evaluate an individual social media strategy. One of the key points that need to analyze is the application of the platform wise social media strategy. The Pizza Hut Facebook fan page boast of more than 900k fan in the overall business strategy (Steiner, 2012). On the other hand, pizza huts website has not mentioned about an official Twitter channel. However, there are different kinds of positive feedback, which can be concluded to enter into the reviews on Twitter. This part of the study will analyze how the notion of the Social Media tools and its media matrix can be applied to develop online deals. To classify this particular point, there are two modes of shopping. One is the traditional method of shopping which is followed by the modern style of shopping (Potter, 2012). In the modern way of buying, the majority of the buyers prefer online shopping. It is very much clear that all the companies irrespective of the nature of the business as well as objectives, uses the social media platform to organize different kinds of promotional and advertisement activities, it is not used for online transactions (Potter, 2012). On the other hand, Pizza Hut also engages its audience by developing exciting new campaigns, which includes patterning with Microsoft. The review can be concluded as social media strategy review where a 360-degree analysis of a particular brands entire social media strategy as well as activities. Pizza Hurt, an American restaurant chain made a different contribution towards the development of a proper social media strategy (Ryan Jones, 2012). Online transactions, includes online purchase and sales which is one of the key features of modern mode of the shopping. Some of the key points which need to be analyzed in a proper manner are Pizza Hut needs to develop different kinds of transactional activities which include online purchase and online sales as it will be more beneficial for the buyers. It can be explained in a better manner as the number of users is being increased day by day and it will surely. Evolution of Matrix and Analysis The notion towards the development of a proper marketing plan includes several parameters that need to be fulfilled. One of the main factors is the idea of social media matrix. Development of an appropriate marketing plan includes the application of different of the various kinds of marketing tools with includes to scan the environment. For example, the majority of the business firm uses the application of SWOT Analysis as the best marketing tool to examine both the internal environment as well as the external environment (Collins, 2012). However, the trend for shopping as well as the trend for marketing has changed as compared with the traditional mode of marketing. At present, different kinds of social media tools used to develop a proper marketing plan with includes the notion of digital marketing. Some of the key factors, which are, includes towards that Pizza Hut needs to focus on the following factors (Miller, 2012). Some of the important factors, which need to analyze to develop a proper digital marketing, include Social media audit, social media monitoring, social media management, social online reputation management, social media marketing and social media public relations (Potter, 2012). The following part of the study will analyze all factors how pizza hut developed all the social media campaigning in an efficient manner. Social Media Audit concludes towards the research about the social media presence in the marketing process. The second point, which needs to be analyzed, is to examine the social media opportunities as well as social media threats. Pizza Hut has used the notion of the social media strategy, which includes the execution of the plans and proceedings (Ryan Jones, 2012). Social media monitoring includes four important factors, which are identifying variations, segregating variations, analyzing conservation and insight and recommendation of different kinds of reports. Social media management includes strategic existence creating on social media platform, which includes promotion, as well as response administration, which analyzes opportunity for social media output (Kurtz Boone, 2012). The idea of online reputation management is a unique concept, which includes researching as well as analyzing present online reputation-defining as well as recommending steps to get better the overall process of reputation score. The final point of the study will examine the execution of recommendations which majority of the organization including pizza hut follows towards the development process of a proper online reputation management. Pizza Hut has executed different kinds of plans and procedures where the notion of the social media campaign is one of the key objectives (Kotler Armstrong, 2012). The organization has developed creation of campaigns through tools apps and potential discussion approach, which includes deliverables via camping execution. The notion of the social media release includes classification of the online PR objectives and analysis of various kinds of PR objectives (Daniel, 2012). The final point, which Pizza Hut needs to be concentrate, is the view of the social media strategy. Strategies in the organization are developed to run the risk falling behind. There are certain ways where the organization was benefited towards applying a proper social media strategy (Potter, 2012). Reflection After going the overall study, I will like to conclude about the importance of the social media tools in the daily business operations. The majority of these fast food industries what I feel improve all the programs and policies to achieve a proper social media platform in the business systems. All of these brands apply the concept of the social media tool with a view to developing different kinds of promotion activities. I will conclude that one firm affects the decision-making activity of the other firm. To execute all the plans and policies in a proper manner, all the companies develop more or less the same strategies to evaluate the social media strategies in an effective manner. Conclusion and Recommendations The concluding part of the study will analyze as well as summarize all the key factors, which are included to conclude the effectiveness of the social media in the modern business. The selected organization in the assignment is Pizza Hut. The task-focused how pizza hut was benefited and what are the positive impacts that pizza got in business after developing a robust social media strategy. The only recommendations that can be added is Pizza Hut to work on the series of digital initiatives which puts the development of different kinds of activities which include brand building activities on the social network which includes brand developing activities on social media, in-store and online events. Reference List Chaffey, D., Ellis-Chadwick, F., Chaffey, D. (2012).Digital marketing. Harlow: Pearson. Chan, L. (2012).Social media marketing for digital photographers. Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley Sons. Collins, D. (2012).Business ethics. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons. Daniel, S. (2012).Principles of marketing. [Place of publication not identified]: Kendall Hunt. Kotler, P. (2012).Marketing management. Harlow, England: Pearson. Kotler, P. Armstrong, G. (2012).Principles of marketing. Boston: Pearson Prentice Hall. Kurtz, D. Boone, L. (2012).Principles of contemporary marketing. Australia: Southwestern Cengage Learning. Mandiberg, M. (2012).The social media reader. New York: New York University Press. Miller, M. (2012).B2B digital marketing. Indianapolis, Ind., USA: Que. Pizza Hut - Pizza Coupons, Pizza Deals, Pizza Delivery, Order Pizza Online, Catering. (2016) Retrieved 29 May 2016, from Potter, N. (2012).The library marketing toolkit. London: Facet Publishing. Pride, W. (2012).Marketing principles. South Melbourne, Vic.: Cengage Learning. Ryan, D. Jones, C. (2012).Understanding digital marketing. Philadelphia, PA: Kogan Page. Steiner, S. (2012).Strategic planning for social media in libraries. Chicago: ALA TechSource, an imprint of the American Library Association.